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Curriculum for Wales Plasyfelin

Healthy Schools Award March 2024

To find out how the curriculum in Wales is changing go to HWB on Google. Curriculum for Wales.

Curriculum at Plasyfelin structure


Expressive Arts

Health and Well being

Humanities plus RE

Language, Literacy and communication plus Welsh

Mathematics and numeracy

Science and Technology








Kate Gatefield

Oliver Hartery


Clare Tidy

Emma Raymond

Sue Whelan


M E  Morgan

Adel Stainer

Vicky Allin

Sue Whelan

Jodie Cross Welsh/ ALN

Ceri Anderson/Emma Raymond (Welsh/MAT)

Mathew Seamons

School Council

Mike Lewis

( ECO )


Les Howells  ALN/ ECO FF 3 days  


Katie Gatefield

Emma Raymond

Claire Tidy 

M E Morgan



Katie Gatefield

Jodie Davies

Ella Jones

Vicky Allin

M E Morgan

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Adele Stainer

Ceri Anderson

Ceri Anderson

Katie Gatefield

Ceri Anderson

Oliver Hartery

Lyn Smith

Rachel Curtis

Vicky Allin

Oliver Hartery

Clare Nash

Adele Stainer

Eleri Prosser

Kate Garcia

Mike Lewis

Emma Raymond

Kate Garcia

Matthew Seamons

Sarah Jones

Eleri Prosser 3 days

Ella Jones

Kate Garcia

Tracey Holcombe

Tracy Holcombe

Theresa Hegarty

Lyn Smith 3 days

Sarah Lintern

Clare Nash

Linda Symons

Rachel Curtis

Aimee Jones

Donald Manning

Caroline Boyle 

Janien Davies

Donald Manning

Aimee Jones

Governor Link

Mrs Hegarty

Mr Hartery

Mrs H Thomas

Governor Link

Mrs Attwood

Mrs R Lowe

Mrs H Thomas

Governor Link

Mrs S Brown

Mrs West

Mr G Davies

Governor Link

Mrs Lewis

Mrs Jennings

Mrs S Brown

Governor Link

Mr D Jones

Mrs E Williams

Mr Seamons

Mrs Lowe

Governor Link

Mr S Cook

Mr D Jones

Mrs E Lewis

Even though we have established Taith 360 and Cornerstones as a tracking and planning tool and use the information from HWB and WG we still needed to establish how this would work for us.- Cornerstones is used as a resource and local curriculum enriches our pupils in the culture of Wales

  Summary of the New Curriculum- Adopted by Plasyfelin Governors Reviewed September  2023

  This sets out what the New Curriculum will look like at Plasyfelin.

  Simple overview of what it all means!

Key elements

The new curriculum will include:

  • 6 Areas of Learning and Experience from 3 to 16
  • 3 cross curriculum responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence
  • progression reference points at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16
  • achievement outcomes which describe expected achievements at each progression reference point.


The curriculum will be organised into 6 Areas of Learning and Experience:

  • Expressive arts
  • Health and well-being
  • Humanities (including RE which should remain compulsory to age 16)
  • Languages, literacy and communication (including Welsh, which should remain compulsory to age 16, and modern foreign languages)
  • Mathematics and numeracy
  • Science and technology (including computer science).





At the heart of Plasyfelins Curriculum is the 4 core purposes -below this is explained:

This enables Plasyfelin learners to develop in the way described in the four purposes.

So what are they?

The Curriculum for Wales has been in progress of development over the last 4 years. Plasyfelin has involved all stakeholders in the development and readiness of the new curriculum. In both school halls have the ‘what matters statements’ displayed.

Each class area has the four core purposes displayed for all to see and use.

Parents have had leaflets explaining, explanation evenings and guidance to keep parents informed about the new curriculum.

Plasyfelin Curriculum design and the four purposes

The four purposes are the starting point and aspiration for Plasyfelin curriculum design. These can be seen in both school halls and pupils are regularly reminded of them and where they sit within them.

Ultimately, the aim of a school’s curriculum is to support its learners to become:

  1. ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
  2. enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  3. ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
  4. healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

All our children and young people will be supported to develop as:

Ambitious, Capable Learners who:

  • set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge
  • are building up a body of knowledge and have the skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts
  • are questioning and enjoy solving problems
  • can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English
  • can explain the ideas and concepts they are learning about
  • can use number effectively in different contexts
  • understand how to interpret data and apply mathematical concepts
  • use digital technologies creatively to communicate, find and analyse information
  • undertake research and evaluate critically what they find

and are ready to learn throughout their lives


Enterprising, Creative Contributors who:

  • connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products
  • think creatively to reframe and solve problems
  • identify and grasp opportunities
  • take measured risks
  • lead and play different roles in teams effectively and responsibly
  • express ideas and emotions through different media
  • give of their energy and skills so that other people will benefit

and are ready to play a full part in life and work


Ethical, Informed Citizens who:

  • find, evaluate and use evidence in forming views
  • engage with contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and values
  • understand and exercise their human and democratic responsibilities and rights
  • understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices and acting
  • are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past
  • respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society
  • show their commitment to the sustainability of the planet

and are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world




Healthy, Confident Individuals who:

  • have secure values and are establishing their spiritual and ethical beliefs
  • are building their mental and emotional well-being by developing confidence, resilience and empathy
  • apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily lives
  • know how to find the information and support to keep safe and well
  • take part in physical activity
  • take measured decisions about lifestyle and manage risk
  • have the confidence to participate in performance
  • form positive relationships based upon trust and mutual respect
  • face and overcome challenge
  • have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can

and are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.


There are requirements around assessments set out in the Education (Arrangements for Assessing in the Curriculum for Wales) Regulations 2022 and include:

Enables each learner to develop in the ways described in the four purposes as outlined above

• secures learning and teaching that offers appropriate progression for each learner

• is suitable for each learner’s age, ability and aptitude

• takes account of each learner’s additional learning needs (if any)

• secures broad and balanced learning and teaching for each learner

• for each learner encompasses the Areas, the mandatory curriculum elements of English and Welsh, the cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence, RSE (which must be suitable for a learner’s stage of development), and RVE

Assessment and Planning

Plasyfelin have uses INCERTs to track pupil’s progress and assessment. Staff from Spring 2022 use the Welsh version called Taith 360 which tracks progress of individual learners and allows teachers to plan through the system. INCERTs discontinues in September 2022 and we fully transition across at this point.

Assessment arrangements are through the National Tests which include Reading , Procedural Maths and Reasoning Maths, which are all electronic. These are reported to parents each year.

Base line assessment in Nursery/Reception classes.

In addition we use Salford Reading Scores and RWI to show progression of pupils. We also use White Rose and Abacus to assess Maths.

Pupils also have access to THRIVE and ELSA to track individual progress.

We track the journey of individual pupils through progression steps.



Progression Code – What does this mean for pupils at Plasyfelin


provide for appropriate progression and accord with the principles of progression set out in the ‘Progression Code’ – which applies to all learning across all AoLEs.

be suitable for learners of differing ages, abilities and aptitudes – is our curriculum appropriate for all our learners?

be broad and balanced – does our curriculum cover a breadth of learning?

encompass the concepts set out in the statements of what matters in the ‘Statements of What Matters Code’ – the detail of the statements of what matters must be included in schools’ curriculum

provide for learning and teaching that encompasses each of the Areas of Learning and Experience


• Welsh

• Relationships and Sexuality Education (including the detail of the Relationships and Sexuality Code)

• Religion Values and Ethics (RVE) – schools must also consider the agreed syllabus adopted by their local authority – more detail on RVE can be found on Hwb

• The cross-curricular skills (literacy, numeracy and digital competence)





There are requirements around assessments set out in the Education (Arrangements for Assessing in the Curriculum for Wales) Regulations 2022 and include:

Longer term- Plasyfelin and governing body will keep the curriculum under review and revise it to make sure it continues to meet the legal requirements. The curriculum is individual to our school

There are other legislative requirements about learner choice and disapplication which you can find out more about on the Curriculum for Wales page on Hwb.

During the design of Plasyfelins Curriculum.

Well being is at the heart


We have consider the impact on learners’ mental health and emotional well-being. All areas of learning has built in mental health and emotional well being aspects relevant to that year group.

We have at Plasyfelin look to promote knowledge and understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) to those people who provide learning and teaching, so that they understand these conventions. This is evident across the school and comes into areas of teaching as the pupils progresses through Plasyfelin

Plasyfelin co-operates with St Martins cluster and Plasyfelin is often the base for workshops/Networking groups and cluster meets to promote the New Curriculum, settings, local authorities and institutions, if that helps them fulfil their duties under the Act.

As parents you can find more details -see the Curriculum for Wales page on Hwb.

As a school we have all been allocated lead roles and shadow roles within the school to become experts in that area as we approach September2022 and beyond.

The following grid show the leads in the areas and Governors are assigned an area to follow and be a part of.


Expressive Arts

Health and Well being

Humanities plus RE

Language, Literacy and communication plus Welsh

Mathematics and numeracy

Science and Technology

Main Leaders

Main Leaders

Main Leaders

Main Leaders

Main Leaders

Main Leaders


Adele Stainer

Jodie Cross

Les Howells  ALN/ ECO FF 3 days 

Ella Jones


Kate Gatefield

Sue Whelan

Emma Raymond


M E  Morgan

Adel Stainer-RE

Caroline Boyle  2 days

Emma Raymond

Sue Whelan / Claire Tidy 

Jodie Cross/ M E Morgan

 (Welsh/ ALN Shadow

Ceri Anderson/Emma Raymond (Welsh/MAT)

Mathew Seamons

School Council

Jodie Davies

Ella Jones

Ollie Hartery

Emma Raymond

Mike Lewis/Claire Tidy

( ECO )

Vicky Allin

Ella Jones

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Shadow Leaders

Adele Stainer

Ceri Anderson

Ceri Anderson

Katie Gatefield

Ceri Anderson

Oliver Hartery

Lyn Smith

Rachel Curtis

Vicky Allin

Oliver Hartery

Clare Nash

Adele Stainer

Eleri Prosser

Kate Garcia

Mike Lewis

Emma Raymond

Kate Garcia

Matthew Seamons

Sarah Jones

Eleri Prosser 3 days

Ella Jones

Kate Garcia

Tracey Holcombe

Tracey Holcombe

Theresa Hegarty

Lyn Smith 3 days

Aimee Jones

Sarah Lintern

Clare Nash

Linda Symons

Rachel Curtis


Donald Manning



Donald Manning


Governor Link

Mrs Hegarty

Mr Hartery

Mrs H Thomas

Governor Link

Mrs Attwood

Mrs R Lowe

Mrs H Thomas

Governor Link

Mrs S Brown

Mrs West

Mr G Davies

Governor Link

Mrs Lewis

Mrs Jennings

Mrs S Brown

Governor Link

Mr D Jones

Mrs E Williams

Mr Seamons

Mrs Lowe

Governor Link

Mr S Cook

Mr D Jones

Mrs E Lewis



Even though we have established Taith 360 as a tracking and planning tool and use the information from HWB and WG we still needed to establish how this would work for us.- Cornerstones is used as a resource and local curriculum enriches our pupils in the culture of Wales




Curriculum For Wales areas and

leaders/groups 2022 onwards Plasyfelin

Curriculum leads– Mrs Morgan and  Mrs Whelan ( Mr Jones overseeing)

Below are the Half Term overviews for2022/23- with one AoLE as a focus


Theme AoLE Focus

Four Purpose Focus

Autumn Term 1

Science and Technology

Ambitious, capable learners


Autumn Term 2

Expressive Arts

Enterprising, creative contributors


Spring Term 1

Humanities inc RE

Ethical, informed citizens


Spring Term 2

Science and Technology

Ambitious, capable learners


Summer Term 1

Expressive Arts

Enterprising, creative contributors






Enrichment Experiences. At PlasyfelinPrimary School Primary we enhance the children’s learning experiences through a range of enrichment activities intended to engage all learners:

· Enterprise Weeks

 · Eco Day

 · Health & Fitness Week

 · Creative Week

 · Learning Detectives

 · Educational Visits including residential visits

 · A range of visitors

· Extra- curricular activities

· Opportunities to perform in front of an audience and with professionals

 · Specialist music/arts tuition

· Specialist sports/physical activities tuition



Not forgetting  all our groups of pupils who help shape and run Plasyfelin


School Council      Eco Council      New School Team     Sports Ambasadors   Team Captains     House Leaders    Criw Cymraeg   Digital Leaders 


 Well being Buddies


As a parent I would like to see how it looks in practice.

How an area will look for one part of the areas of learning and for part of  one term year 2

Firstly child centred learning- what would they like to find out? Blast the ideas-guide and direct the imagination.


Humanities – Topic Theme Houses and House Hold- local curriculum Caerphilly/Caerphilly Castle


The history of houses – what were the first houses like? When? How did people live – change over time.

Look at how houses changed with time – rooms, lighting, cooking, living conditions, sanitation,

Household inventions – electricity

Focus on :-Cave dwellings Where were the first homes?

Celtic Roundhouses– look at pictures of a roundhouse. Visit to Saint Ffagans roundhouse How did people see in the homes? How were they heated?

Medieval cottages– compare with early homes. How did people light their homes. What was it like to live in a medieval cottage?

Castle life  - Caerphilly Castle Visit to Caerphilly Castle. Look at the different parts of the castle. Who lived there and why? What different rooms did they have? What was it like to live there?

Tudor Houses—how did these compare to medieval homes? How were they the same ? How were they different?

 Victorian houses. How did  inventions make life easier for people? Common appliances etc like kettles, washing machines What did they use before?

Visit to St Ffagans to see change over time in the different houses.Rhyd Y Car etc comparing over the two hundred years.


How and why did settlements grow where they did? Why was the castle built where it was? Investigate physical features of the locality for answers. Rivers, mountains etc

How did people change their society as settlements developed? Shops, business factories. Look at old maps to see how things have changed. Talk about why?

Local Geography to Caerphilly-Why the Castle is there?


In our locality look at the number of different churches and chapels. How beliefs have changed through the ages – cave man and Celtic worship. The role of the church in Tudor times – tithes and fines for non attendance

    • Visit to St Martins Church and local chaple- visitors in 707 club/Mount Carmel


Health and Well-Being

Read stories from other cultures and discuss the moral issues of right and wrong within the stories

How can we keep clean link to sanitation development over time in homes. Inventions and developments through time—toilets, flowing water? How did this change over time. The importance of keeping clean—handwashing routines etc, link to Covid personal hygiene

Keeping healthy—what do we need to do?




Acting out different traditional tales.

Assuming roles in a variety of situations role play and hot seating

Speaking to an audience about their research

Giving opinions


Traditional tales—Three little pigs and different versions of other tales

Fairy Tales




Alternative endings to traditional tales

Characterisation—write character descriptions, aspects of different characters, comparing characters

Story settings—writing the first paragraph to set the scene. Hook the reader Write different versions of traditional tales

Write diary accounts of living in the different types of homes—as a servant, a stone age hunter etc

Writing guidebooks of Caerphilly Castle

Factual accounts of life in different houses

Welsh—Asking and answering questions—role play

Pupil ideas



Expressive Arts


Art- Paintings and collages in the style of Martyn Evans Valleys Art  Local artist Second half term. Paint and draw in his style showing the terraced houses in the valleys.

Cave Paintings look at evidence found in Spain. How did caveman paint on the walls. Where did he get the paint and tools?

Celtic patterns – link to St Dwynwens day. Look at the symmetry of Celtic patterns. Design your own

Make replica Celtic Jewellery

Observational drawing of replica medieval artefacts—what are they made of?  what are they used for? Who might have used it?

Observational drawings of the castle  Paint in the style of Susie Grindey

Music: Medieval  music. Listen to and learn simple dance Horse brawl

Samba Music Upbeat





Purple Mash—design guidebooks for a historic building ie Caerphilly Castle. Estate agents—adverts. Design and make adverts .Paint packages—design and draw a house of the future. Book Creator—traditional tales in their own words. Green screen— life as a servant etc in one of the households


Build models of different houses or historic buildings  - castles, Tudor housesDesign, make and evaluate a piece of Celtic or Roman jewellery using different materials including clay, fabric, bead

Science Modern household inventions

Development of electricity— make simple circuits

How houses have changed– building materials and their properties

Properties of different materials in the home



Using census returns, analysing data . Patterns- numeracy running through.

From the over view and pupil voice, how this will start to look from and within TAITH 360 as a teachers plan. Example below


Growing Things


Mrs Marie-Elaine Morgan

Class 5

25/04/22 - 27/05/22



Following discussion with pupils –this is what we wanted to learn about with a progression step


Four Purposes:

All children and young people will be:

enterprising, creative contributors

ambitious, capable learners

ethical, informed citizens

healthy, confident individuals

  • ECC1: who connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products
  • ECC5: who lead and play different roles in teams effectively and responsibly
  • ECC6: who express ideas and emotions through different media


  • ACL1: who set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge
  • ACL2: who are building up a body of knowledge and have the skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts
  • ACL3: who are questioning and enjoy solving problems
  • ACL4: who can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English
  • ACL7: who understand how to interpret data and apply mathematical concepts
  • ACL8: who use digital technologies creatively to communicate, find and analyse information


  • EIC1: who find, evaluate and use evidence in forming views
  • EIC5: who are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past






Statement of What Matters


Descriptions of learning

Expressive Arts

Exploring the expressive arts is essential to developing artistic skills and knowledge and it enables learners to become curious and creative individuals.


  • I can explore and experiment with a variety of creative techniques, materials, processes, resources, tools and technologies.




  • Look at the artist who uses fruit and vegetables. Children to design their own portrait using this idea.Paint, pastel or use coloured felts.

 Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

  • Make pottery minibeasts using clay. Children to choose their own minibeast to make. When hard paint and decorate
  • Design and hold an Ugly Bug Ball – children to learn the song, make invitations, prepare tea party food. (invite parents if possible)
  • Design an imaginary minibeats. Write a description of him as if you have just discovered him.
  • Van Goghs Sunflowers- paint in the style of
  • Observational drawings of different flowers and fruits – use different medium to create these pictures, water colours, pastels, water colour pencils, inks.



Health and Wellbeing

Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits.


  • I have the confidence and motivation to move in different ways and I am beginning to develop control of gross motor and fine motor movements in different environments, moving safely in response to instructions.


  • I am beginning to make connections between my diet and my physical health and well-being.


  • I am beginning to recognise the connection between the physical and emotional changes that can occur in different contexts.


  • I am beginning to recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being and I am beginning to know how to respond and get help.


  • I have the confidence and motivation to persevere when faced with physical challenges.


  • I have developed an understanding that I need a balanced diet and I can make informed choices about the food I eat and prepare to support my physical health and well-being.




  • Healthy Eating – Discuss what we need to eat to stay healthy. What is a balanced diet? Talk about the food groups and what is good and not so good for us.
  • Make tallies and graph results of favourite foods.
  • Design a healthy meal plate using a variety of materials.
  • What do we need to stay healthy- discuss hygiene. Talk about how our bodies change and why it is important to keep clean.– washing hands, cleaning teeth.
  • Design a poster to encourage young children to look after their teeth. Look at some online for ideas. Watch some adverts for toothpaste on the TV.
  • Keeping fit to stay healthy – set up the daily mile challenge around the school field
  • Set up circuits for PE – Beat your own record activities- children can keep their own records and see their improvements over the weeks. (Link to maths – time, stopwatch)





No statements selected for this Area






Languages, Literacy and Communication


Languages connect us


  • I am beginning to be aware of a link between language(s) and culture and am developing a sense of belonging.


  • I am beginning to understand that there are different languages in my environment.


  • I can recognise that there is a relationship between languages, culture and my own sense of Welsh identity.


  • I can understand that people use different languages.


 LLC Second

Understanding languages is key to understanding the world around us.


  • I can recognise and follow information and simple instructions about familiar topics and routines.


  • I can listen to others with growing attention.


  • I can use context and pictures to help me understand words.


  • I can experiment with newly-learned vocabulary.


  • I can listen to, understand and later recall what I have heard.


  • I can understand information about a variety of topics.


  • I can read different texts using a range of strategies to make meaning.



No statements selected for this Area


LLC International

No statements selected for this Area





Suitable texts

Handa’s Surprise

      1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
      2. Isabella's Garden. Isabella's Garden is a delightful picture book by Glenda Millard,
      3. And Then It's Spring. First-time author Julie Fogliano and Erin E. Stead
      4. The Carrot Seed. Ruth Krauss's classic little picture book for children 2 to 5
      5. Flower Garden. It’s nice to see a book about how a family living in a city apartment creates a garden
      6. City Green – Dyan Ryan
      7. Sunflower House – Eve Bunting
      8. The Garden of Happiness – Barbara Lambase
      9. And the Good Brown Earth – Kathy Henderson

The Tin Forest – pollution and recycling


  • Using traditional tales – Jack and the Beanstalk. Writing alternative endings to a tale
  • Writing persuasive letters to councils governments etc – to get rid of litter, pollution etc asking for more green spaces.
  • Designing posters
  • Writing instructions to plant seeds. Design seed packets etc
  • Writing recipes for food children grow.
  • Write factfiles about minibeats.



Mathematics and Numeracy

The number system is used to represent and compare relationships between numbers and quantities.


  • I can use mathematical language to describe quantities, and to make estimates and comparisons such as ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’.


  • I have used money, and the language of money, in play and real-life situations and I can understand that I need to exchange money for items.


  • I have engaged in practical tasks to estimate and round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.




White Rose Maths as base to the maths work

Thematic maths work to include

Tally charts and graphs – favourite foods, fruits, vegetables. Bar graphs and pictograms

Ordering numbers – for instruction and using correct terms first second etc.

Time – using a stop watch to record time of activities

Measuring growth – measuring each other’s height, arm span etc. using m and cm

Role play – garden centre shop – using money adding and giving change to £5


Science and Technology

Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena.


  • I can explore relationships between living things, their habitats and their life cycles.


The world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival.


  • I can recognise that plants and animals are living things which grow.


  • I can identify, follow and begin to create sequences and patterns in everyday activities.


  • I can explore relationships between living things, their habitats and their life cycles.


  • I can recognise that what I do, and the things I use, can have an impact on my environment and on living things.


  • I can recognise patterns from my observations and investigations and can communicate my findings.




  • What do we need to grow?  How do we grow? Discuss how we grow up and our bodies change. What can we do now we couldn’t do when we were babies/smaller?
  • What do plants need to grow? – set up experiments to see what happens under different conditions.
  • Parts of a plant – labelling
  • What are the jobs of the parts of a plant?
  • Plant beans in plastic pots to watch them grow. Each day check for growth of root and stem. Children to take home when they are ready.
  • In the same way plant sunflower seeds. See how quickly they grow. Plant out at their homes and see whose grows the tallest.
  • Lifecycles – butterflies – purchase the butterfly eggs and Release when formed
  • Frogs - Visit the school pond to see if we have frogspawn. Discuss draw and write about how this grows into a frog.
  • Habitats- different creatures prefer different habitats. Go on a minibeats hunt in different habitats- where do we find the different creatures. Can the children think why?
  • Simple keys for identifying different minibeasts – yes/ no answers.


Literacy and Numeracy Framework



  • I am beginning to draw on information presented in one language and convey it in my own words in another.




  • I am beginning to draw on information presented in one language and convey it in my own words in another.


Developing mathematical proficiency


  • I can make connections so that mathematical concepts can be transferred during play and classroom activities.


  • I can represent a concept in different ways, flowing between different representations including verbal, concrete, visual, digital and abstract.


  • I can use everyday and mathematical language to talk about and explain my own ideas and choices.


  • I can identify the required information, and select appropriate equipment and resources.




Digital Competence



  • I can identify and use a range of media and digital devices from familiar experiences.


 Using the Purple Mash to design and create minibeasts

Use the internet to create fact files about animals and their different habitats.

Go on a minibeast adventure – record using the video. Write a simple audio recording to add to your video

Maths – graphing games Top Marks Maths




Plasyfelin Primary 12 Pedagogical principles of the Welsh Curriculum • Maintains a consistent focus on the overall purposes of the curriculum. • Challenges all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting expectations that are high but achievable for them. • Means employing a blend of approaches including direct teaching. • Means employing a blend of approaches including those that promote problem-solving, creative and critical thinking. • Sets tasks and selects resources that build on previous knowledge and experience and engage interest. • Creates authentic contexts for learning. • Means employing assessment for learning principles. • Ranges within and across Areas. • Regularly reinforces the cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence, and provides opportunities to practise them. • Encourages learners to take increasing responsibility for their own learning. • Supports social and emotional development and positive relationships. • Encourages collaboration.

Curriculum Statement for Plasyfelin
