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  • Plasyfelin Primary
‘Living and Learning’
‘Living and Learning’

Uniform Information

School uniform can now be obtained from the shop at the top of town - Total Sporting Solutions in Bartlett Street

At Plasyfelin School we believe that the wearing of a school uniform encourages pride in the school, helps children to feel they belong to the school community and makes them look ready to work, we expect children to wear school uniform and ask parents to support us in ensuring that children come to school dressed appropriately. Please ask if you have any questions concerning school uniform. ASDAs provide cheap affordable clothing, there is no need for badged items, just place your child's name in the item of clothing.

Each term we have a cloths swap shop run by Friends of Plasyfelin. Bring your child's cloths that they have grown out of and swap for larger cloths.

Or just come and select new and used uniform for a small donation.


School uniform should be selected from the following items:

  • Grey or black school trousers/joggers
  • Grey or black skirts
  • Tailored black or grey shorts (boys and girls)
  • Blue striped or gingham dresses (in Summer)
  • Burgundy sweatshirts or cardigans (for girls) 
  • Sky blue polo shirt 
  • Black school shoes with low heels or trainers
  • Girls - Sandals may be worn in the summer term (black or white - no sling backs or slip-ons). Sandals should be flat - no high heels. Pupils should wear socks.
  • We encourage all to wear uniform which can be bought from ASDAS etc


PE and Sports Clothing Kit List:

  • tee shirt of your own choice
  • PE shorts/leggings
  • Non marking trainers
  • Shin Pads. Used for football lessons
  • Earring tape (where appropriate)
  • Tracksuit bottoms for warmth in winter (optional)
  • PE kit should be kept in a bag on the child's peg.

*Tights are not to be worn for PE lessons

Children can come ready dressed for PE- this saves time during the physical aspect of PE

  • It is essential that all items of clothing and bags should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
  •  It is essential for coats to have a strong 'hanging' loop. 
  • The wearing of jewellery is limited. Rings, dangling earrings and necklaces can be dangerous. 1 x Small plain stud earring in each lobe and watches are allowed, but must be removed for PE and sports activities.
  • Nose studs, retainers or body piercings are not allowed.
  • Hair – Modest in style and colour – Hair bands are permitted, Ideally, long hair should be tied back.
  • No Snoods or neckerchiefs during learning time
  • No makeup or nail varnish please- keep this for discos and special events.