Mrs Hegarty/ Mrs Carnell - Teaching Assistants
Mrs Jones - PPA Teacher
A Pirate's Life for me!
Our topic this term is 'A Pirate's Life for me'. This topic will focus on the humanities area of learning. We have lots of exciting things in this topic including a performance and a pirate party! Please see attached the parent overview and the jigsaw learning journey for this half term.
Class information
Snack money is £1 per week. This must be paid every Monday or in advance for that half term. Only fruit will be given at snack time.
Our PE day is a Wednesday. Children can wear their PE kit to school on this day.
Forest Schools is a Monday. All children must bring wellies in Autumn and Spring term.
Reading books must be returned on the following days.
Wizards- Monday
Dragons- Tuesday
Superheroes- Wednesday
Pirates- Thursday
Each child has their own seesaw account. Parents/ guardians access the family seesaw by scanning their individual QR code. This will allow you to see and celebrate all the wonderful work we do in class 3. Please see me if you need a QR code or are having trouble connecting. We strongly advise you engage with seesaw so you don't miss out on seeing your child's work or any important messages that are sent via the app.
You can contact me at