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  • Plasyfelin Primary
‘Living and Learning’
‘Living and Learning’

Mrs Jones Nursery

 Welcome to new term at nursery 2023

I hope everyone had a lovely summer!

Below is an overview of some of the activities we have planned to do over this coming half term.

Our topic is bears and through this the children will develop knowledge and more early years skills. 

Hopefully life at school will continue without interruptions, but please be aware of local guidelines to keep our school community safe. We all look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 4th smiley

 Many thanks for your continued support

Mrs Jones and team

Hello and Welcome to Nursery 2023-2024

The nursery staff are:


Mrs A. Jones...... Nursery Lead.

Mrs S Jones..... TA

Mrs Fallica........TA

Miss Hurd...........TA

Mrs Boyle PPA teacher

We hope this coming Nursery year will be a wonderful experience for you and your child. Learning is play centered and aims to help your child develop their skills, confidence and independence.

We as a school use the seesaw app which helps you stay in touch with what's happening in the class.

If you need to contact us you can also phone the school office or email me on.




Summer Term 2


Creep, Crawl and Wriggle 


This term we are learning all about minibeast.  We will be looking at our favourite minibeasts and looking at our least favourite minibeasts. We are going to name the minibeasts, compare features of them, how many legs? Do they have wings?  Also this term we are going on a trip to Colliers Adventure Farm, to see a wide range of animals. As part of our Jigsaw Wellbeing sessions we will be talking about our bodies and how we change as we grow up. 


Below is the Jigsaw child's overview and this this terms topic overview. 
