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  • Plasyfelin Primary
‘Living and Learning’
‘Living and Learning’

Mrs Tidy C2

Welcome to Class 2 - Our topic for this term is...

                        I spy?

We are really looking forward to an more exciting learning activities and fun! Here is some information regarding what we do each week and what your child will need to bring or wear to school. Many thanks for your support, Mrs Tidy, Mrs Curtis & Mrs Carnell.



Here is what your child will be doing this term...

Here is what we will be thinking about during our Jigsaw PSHE sessions

Make a Gruffalo crumble

Summer Term 2

Week beginning 1st June


Welcome back and I hope you managed to enjoy some of the sunshine last week.  Our topic for this term is 'Into the woods', with the first book we are looking at being The Gruffalo.  As usual the overviews for each year group will have links to take you straight to websites and sites that will help.  Other resources will be listed below that can be printed or show you a layout to create your own if wanted.  Don't forget that if you want to complete the work in a different way please do.  There will also be new activities to do on PurpleMash too.  Click on the bell button at the top of the Purplemash home page to take you straight to the activity.  Remember to tweet, send emails with work completed or photos of them to me so I can continue to award stars.  One person received a Gold award too, how many will i be able to award over the next few weeks?

Have a safe week, don't hesitate to get in touch with requests, queries or to show the fantastic work you have been doing.

Parental Overview for the term (1)

Week beginning 18th May

I have been amazed at some of the artwork children have been doing and sending to me - Popart was obviously a popular choice of subject - if you haven't already sent in photos please do so, I have loved looking at them all.  This week our topic will be coming to an end as we head towards the Bank Holiday.  We are finishing off the topic by continuing to look at The Gingerbread Man and the opportunity to write a new ending or a new version.  Please be as creative as you like to tell us the story.  In maths we are exploring 3D shapes and I have set some practical activities on the overview to try as well as resource sheets.  

We are finishing off our senses by thinking about touch - have fun with the different activities.  There is a further opportunity to explore Popart with pattern making and its time to see the results for your skills on catching, throwing etc. that we have practised this term.  Have you got better?  Could you present the results in a table or graph?  

There are also new activities and new chapters on PurpleMash to explore and have a go at.  

Have a good week, take care and keep safe.  Remember if you need help, have questions, want to share ideas or work or for anything I can try to help with


Week beginning 11th May


It has been great speaking to some of you over the past week and this will continue this week for all those I haven't yet made contact with.  Don't forget anything you need please ask.  Emails are constantly checked.  I have seen some lovely Sound Collector poems which have been sent in.  This week we are focusing on 2 digit number recognition with tens / ones for year 1 and year 2 are being challenged to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  

In literacy we are moving onto the Gingerbread Man, reading and hearing the story, designing a new character and writing a character description.   In topic we are exploring taste and smell and thinking about what we want to be when we grow up.  

There will be some activities appearing on PurpleMash too, remember to click on the bell on the top line,  it no longer tells you there are notices for you but they are there.  There will be a new story this week, more spelling practise art and other activities.  

Remember do what you can, we know many of you are trying to cope with working from home, looking after relatives etc. at the same time.  The most important things are to keep well, safe and happy.

In these times of constant internet access we thought it would be useful to go over Internet safety rules so please click on the link below for information on internet safety for children and parents and discuss with your children.  I wonder how much they can remember?  


Any issues, concerns, requests, share ideas and/or work or just to get in touch

Practise Ble mae .....?

Celebrating V E day


A little extra for this week to mark celebrations for V E day.  There is a presentation to tell you what it is and why we are celebrating.  If you want to you can colour and create bunting to decorate your house or window, a colouring sheet and a wordsearch.  Perhaps you would also like to write a diary entry or postcard to tell me how you are marking the day.  


Have fun

Week beginning 4th May


Welcome to a new week and thank you so much for all the self-portraits, photos, stories and emails you have sent. I have been very impressed with everything you have been doing and the new versions of the Funnybones stories have all been amazing.  We have had Funnybones going to the funfair, the beach, a walk, to a castle and there has also been a new character in the form of a cat skeleton in one of the stories.  Great work by all.  The self-portraits have all been wonderful and there's still time to send them in.  I'm going to put them all together for you all to see and see if you can guess who is who.  


This week we are moving onto sound in our sense exploration.  There are experiments to try and games to do (listed below and through 2-dos on PurpleMash).  Our literacy focus is the poem 'The Sound Collector' and you have the opportunity to explore the poem, listen to it on You Tube and write a new verse.  These can be done on Purple Mash, typed or handwritten.   Please send it in or email it (or a photo of it) as I would like to create a book of them all, feel free to decorate the poems too.

In maths we are continuing to explore turns and learning our left / right.  Year 2 will move to thinking about clockwise and anti-clockwise turns.  We are also exploring symmetry too.

Our self-portrait exploration continues too with the opportunity to explore creating a portrait by using collage.


Any questions, concerns, requests and to keep in contact:






Look out later in the week for special activities to commemorate V.E. day which is happening on Friday.  I shall be adding those on Wednesday.  There will be fun activities plus a presentation to tell you what it is all about.

Week beginning 27th April

First of all a great big thank you for all the messages, emails, photos and videos I received last week.  It was so great to hear from so many of you.  Please keep them all coming.  I enclose this week's overview where clicking on the links will take you straight to some of the resources.  There are also other resources listed for you to help / complete.  Do as many as you want and if you require more information, resources etc.  let me know. 


Also have a look at BBC bitesize - Friday they are looking at the Funnybones story.  All programmes are 20 minutes long so if you are unable to do anything else try some of the programes - I look forward to hearing from you.


Take care and keep safe

Mrs Jones


Welcome to a New Term - week beginning 20th April 

Hello and welcome to a new but different term.  I hope you and your family are well.


Our theme for this term is 'A picture of me' and the termly information is detailed below.  Each week an overview of activities for the week will be added plus resources to help.   Feel free to adapt any activities to suit, I realise  not every one has access to a printer but ideas can be copied.  I have tried to look for suitable Youtube videos to help learning and support ideas.


Please remember you can email me any time with questions, queries, concerns, to share activities - I have loved seeing the photos and piccollages parents have already sent to me.  


Do what you can, there is no pressure to do everything.   New activities are also available on PurpleMash look for the bell at the top of the page - I have seen some great work and quiz scores.  Use any of the resources on PurpleMash as you want - there are some great games on there.


I will also be emailing everyone I have an email for with details for Oxford owl - so keep an eye on your inboxes!

I will also be adding to the resources throughout the week.


Have a good week



Week beginning 13th April


Happy Easter Monday to all


I hope everyone had a fun filled day yesterday and got to eat chocolate.  I have enclosed another set of things to do if you wish plus some resource sheets to keep busy.  Do as many as you wish.  Don't forget to share ideas and what you do by email or Twitter.  

Any questions, queries, concerns, share activities or just to say hello.


Week beginning 6th April


This should be the first day of the Easter holiday so I have set some fun ideas to do this week plus a Purple Mash challenge to create Easter pictures to forward to local care homes who have asked for more pictures to share with the residents, they loved the pictures we have already sent.    I am working on a different  exciting challenge for next week which we be available next Monday. Have a good Easter and keep safe.  I look forward to seeing what you do.

Please contact me for your child's login details for Purple Mash (


Please could you also share this message with anyone in the class that you can contact by phone, message or Facebook - let's see if we can reach everyone.

Week beginning 30th March


Well done to those who completed last week's work on Purple Mash, I have seen great pictures, videos and quiz scores and some are getting quicker at answering the timed questions.  Bendigedig pawb.


New activities for this week have been uploaded to complete the term's topic on houses and homes.  You can also explore the site and all its games and activities to find things just for you.  


Please keep sending those emails, videos and pictures to show me what you have been up to.  I have really enjoyed seeing them.


If you are in contact with any other parents of children in the class by phone, text or facebook could you please ask them if they have asked for their child's login details for Purple Mash as I still haven't managed to reach verybody.  Thank you for your help.


Mrs Jones  

Week Beginning 23rd March


Bore da and welcome to a very different week of learning.   Sending everyone a virtual morning greeting this sunny morning.


Activities have been set for the week on Purple Mash (please email for log in details if you haven't had them) and the home learning packs which cover ideas for the next few weeks have been sent home including your child's passwords for Classroom Secrets Kids.  Ideas have also been posted on Twitter.  


Don't forget to email with any questions, ideas, pictures to share.




Keep safe


Mrs Jones




Thursday 19th March


As our time in school for this term is coming to an end, I am continuing to look for ways to support you and your child at home during this difficult time.


I shall be posting details of websites and activities to undertake on a regular basis.   Please contact me at the following email address if you have any questions, want to ask for advice or information, suggest ideas, share what you've been up to or just to check in or talk to someone.   I am interested in knowing how I can support you and your child further and how you are getting on with the learning pack sent home this week.

We have also created user names and passwords for the children to access Purple Mash from home using the Plasyfelin Portal. If you want to have these then please email the address below and I will send it to you.


Email -


Top Tips


  • Establish a daily routine, get up at the same time, keep things as normal as you can, undertake activities at regular times.
  •  Undertake a daily language and maths activity (at set times if you wish), sessions do not need to be too long - an activity that lasts 20 minutes but keeps interest may be more beneficial.
  •  Include practical activities - making money amounts, finding change, weighing ingredients, measuring items around the house, using objects to estimate and count, cooking and gardening.
  •  Read together daily - I am hoping to give you some online reading materials shortly.  Ten minutes daily is good, 
  •  Include exercise - go for a walk or take part in an online exercise sessions - try the following:


A site with 10 minute shake up games based on favourite characters


A site which has a handy section for parents and ideas for bringing calm in stressful times as it combines movement with mindfulness.


Please let me know what you think of the sites and remember please get in touch if you require / need anything or share experiences.  Any tips you have for other families will be welcome too.


Keep safe


Mrs Jones







Welcome to a new half term and Happy St David's Day

During this half term we shall be continuing with our topic of Houses and Homes through the Ages.  We shall look at Tudor houses, Victorian houses as well as modern homes.  A comparison will be made of objects in homes in Victorian times and our homes and we shall look at inventions of household objects such as telephones and washing machines, who invented them and how they have developed over time.


We will be visiting St Fagans  later in the half term and will look to the future as we think about how homes may develop using sustainable materials and ideas.   The properties and suitability of different materials will be considered in the building process and we will undertake experiments to investigate waterproofing.


The children will also undertake a sequence of lessons from Upbeat Music who will undertake African drumming with  Year 1 and Samba drumming with Year 2.


The new homework menu will be enclosed with learning logs so please ensure your child's log has been returned to enable us to enclose the correct Year group menu.  We have really enjoyed the homework tasks that have been completed and have a display of the models of the different houses made.  The children have really enjoyed telling the class all about how they made them.  Thank you for all the help and support you have given your children in completing the tasks.

Finishing off the half term with a celebration and trip!

Week ending 7th February - Being creative this week making our Celtic necklaces

Using our creative skills this week

Week ending 24th January - A busy week in class 3

Spring Term 1

Happy New Year to you and a great big thank you for all good wishes, cards and presents received as we finished a very busy Autumn Term with our Christmas celebrations.   We spent the first week of term settling back into routines and discussing what activities we would like to undertake during our new topic – Houses and homes through the ages as well as completing activities about winter. On a winter walk around the school grounds we discovered one of the trees has already blossom on it!

Following the questions the children asked during discussions on our new topic, we shall start by looking at reasons for needing a home and role playing the earliest home development and writing a diary entry from the point of view of a stone age child.  Have a look at the attached Curriculum Map for further details about our studies this term.


P E – will continue on Monday afternoons, please ensure your child has a PE kit of shorts / leggings and t shirt to change into on a Monday.   This can be kept in school and will be sent home at half term for washing.

Forest School – will continue on Wednesday afternoons with children undertaking activities in small groups on a rota basis.

Reading books – please ensure your child’s reading book comes into school on their reading day which is noted on the front cover of the diary.  We would be very grateful if you could comment on any reading undertaking and how they get on. 


Any questions please ask

Autumn term 2


The children thoroughly enjoyed the work they chose to do all about space and have learned all about the planets, rockets, space missions and astronauts as well as looking at man's first walk on the moon.  There a few who would like to be astronauts or just go to the moon for an holiday.


We have now settled back into a very busy term as we lead up to Christmas and the children have helped plan what we shall be doing.  Our theme is colour and light and we are looking forward to looking at Expressive Arts so there will be lots of art and musical activities going on.


An overview for the term is below for you to see the kind of activities we will be doing.   Could you ensure your child brings a water bottle to school each day which is extra to any bottle in their lunch bag.   Christmas card designs have been sent home this week and look amazing - the children worked so hard on them.

Class Teacher: Mrs J. Jones

Learning Support Assistant : Mrs T. Hegarty


Autumn Term 2019



Our topic this term is Space - This topic is all about the planets, Space and the Solar System.



The children have helped us choose the areas they want to look at and very enthusiastically wanted to learn more about planets, the moon and how people can live in space.


We shall be creating fact files about the different planets and discovering some planet facts.  we shall be making ourselves into the solar system to see how the planets orbit the sun.   We will be looking at forces and thinking about the effect gravity has on us and on things in space and carrying out our own experiments.


We will also be looking at a range of stories both factual and fictional about space and researching our own ideas through books and the use of websites.


Please note our PE day is Monday and the children will need their PE kit in school, it can stay in school until half term. 


Our Forest School day is Wednesday and the children will need a pair of wellies which they can leave in school as we like to go exploring on other days as well! 


Our Curriculum web for this term
