Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG/EYPDG) (RRRs and ALN)2023-2024
The school currently has 32% FSM- pupils/ families in receipt of statutory benefits.
Awarded :
PDG- £103,500
EYPDG- £18,400
RRRs-April-August £8380 and September-March £11,732
ALN Implementation £7121
The PDG/EYPDG has been planned to:
- To embed nurture support across the school with staffing to support all strategies for emotional and social development for all pupils. Such programs as THRIVE/ELSA/SAP/Precision Teaching etc are used.
- Provide specific 1:1 support for pupils to enable them to access their learning in a supported environment.
- To fund TAs to work with pupils from disadvantaged background- closing the gap on achievement and also to help accelerate the more able learners.
Education Improvement Grant
The EIG Grant Awarded- £111,057
The EIG has been planned to:
- To develop a pupil centered learning approach in line with Curriculum for Wales. Developing collaborative learning and supporting intervention needs for specific pupils in small groups and 1:1 precision teaching focus.
- To further develop enhanced provision and a high ration of staff to pupils.
- Allow pupils to access the outdoors in small groups to enhance their early learning journey.
Professional Learning Grant (PL) 2023-2024
Awarded- £6133
The PL grant has been planned to:
- Train ALNCOs to ensure enhanced knowledge and understanding of ALN reform to meet key dates in the reform calendar
- To provide ELSA training and release time for networking TAs
- To allow these trained staff to work across the school with individual and small groups of pupils on THRIVE.
- To provide ongoing THRIVE training for practitioners and on costs of running the program.
- To train and develop knowledge and understanding of ALN reform for all staff to support pupils with their ALN needs.
- To help part fund EDUKEY- data storage base.
- To allow and fund release for networking with St Martins cluster school and wider community.