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  • Plasyfelin Primary
‘Living and Learning’
‘Living and Learning’

Mr Lewis C11

Welcome to Class 11

with Mr Lewis and Mrs Garcia

A siren sounds, a building crumbles, a Spitfire zooms overhead. Take cover. It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. We will be researching WW2 and completing activities linked to the Blitz, evacuees, rations and we will be making our own Anderson shelters.

We will also be having a WW2 workshop, which will include cooking and practical activities.

Class Information - Mr Lewis


PE days : Tuesday & Thursday - Pupils are to wear P.E. kits into school on this day.

PPA- Mrs Morgan will cover Year 6 PPA every Wednesday for half a day.


Dates for the diary-

  • Digital Forensics trip, Ebbw Vale technology trip- Monday 30th September
  • WW2 workshop-Monday 21st October
  • Beauty and the Beast Pantomime-
  • Year 6 Christmas performance- Monday 16th December


Reading books : Every child has been provided with reading material in the form of a comic, novel, annual etc from the school. We enjoy these during reading individual and group reading. They will also have a book they can take home, and change every Wednesday. If you could help and encourage your child to read for pleasure whilst at home that would be really beneficial.



Year 6 will be using Google's G-suite for education to enhance their learning and complete tasks both in school and at home. Your children have their account details and work will be set via Google Classroom. Below is a useful link to see the benefits of using this platform and for those who are unsure.


Google Drive Help



Links to useful websites-

Here are a few websites that we use in class and found useful...

Primary resources, homework help and online games - BBC Bitesize


Please don't hesitate to contact me via Seesaw or via email if you have any queries.

Many thanks for your continued support, Mr Lewis.

e-mail -

Our current Jigsaw (PSHE topic)
